Attendance Rules
A parent or doctor’s note is required for ANY absence that is not school-related within 3 days of returning to school.
If you’re running late, we still want your child here! Every minute of learning is essential.
If your child has a healthcare appointment (not related to a contagious illness), bring them before or after when possible. This is a temporary absence and is EXEMPT from the 90% rule.
Texas law requires that students in grades K-12 must attend class for 90 percent of the time to receive credit or a final grade. If the student doesn’t meet this requirement, an attendance committee may grant the student credit or a final grade, depending on the circumstances.
Exempt from 90% rule
All Grade Levels
Religious Holy Day
Required Court Appearance
Activities Related to US Citizenship
Documented Health Care Appointments (must attend school a portion of the same day as the appointment)
Students in the Conservatorship of the State
Students of Military Families
Secondary Grade Levels
College Visit (11th & 12th Grade Only)
Students Pursuing Enlistment in the Armed Services
Serving as an Early Voting or Election Clerk
Sounding Taps at a Funeral
Non Exempt from 90% rule
Illness *
Being absent without parental consent or knowledge
Religious festivals, ceremonies, or other events not celebrated or recognized by the international religious calendar
Graduations not for the student
Family reunions
International Travels
Leaving campus during class or a lunch period without official permission
Being in an unauthorized area of the school or campus without permission
Willfully refusing to attend school
Oversleeping/Alarm failure
Needed at home for babysitting, chores, etc.
Car trouble
Missing the bus
Any other absence that is not covered under the law
* If your child is absent due to an illness, the absence is considered nonexempt fromt he 90% rule. However, this is where communication and documentation is critical. Submit a parent or a doctor’s note when your child is absent due to illness. If your child frequently complains of headaches, stomachaches, and/or does not feel well, it is advisable to consult your medical provider. If your child is referred to an attendance committee because they fell below the 90% attendance rule, the documentation you provide will be considered.
Frequently Asked Questions
How and when do I submit a note?
Snyder ISD requires all students who have been absent from school to submit a parent or doctor’s note explaining their absence within 3 days of returning to school. Supporting documentation may be requested when necessary. Late documentation will not be accepted.
Documentation may be submitted via:
1. Email
Snyder Primary (grades PreK-3)
Snyder Intermediate (4-5)
Snyder Junior High (6-8)
Snyder High School (9-12)
2. Through ParentSquare
3. To the campus attendance office
Late documentation will not be accepted.
Snyder Primary (grades PreK-3)
Snyder Intermediate (4-5)
Snyder Junior High (6-8)
Snyder High School (9-12)
Parents and Guardians can view Attendance Notices on their app or website and can submit notes back to the school.

Click send note to school.

Enter the reason for the absence and click Submit.