The English as a Second Language program (ESL) is an intensive English language instruction program provided by ESL certified teachers who are trained in effective second language acquisition methods. The goal of ESL programs is for emerging English language learners to attain full proficiency in English in order to participate equitably in school. Snyder ISD has the ESL program in grades PreK-12 at all campuses.
ESL programming
Students suspected of needing ESL programming and supports are given an Oral Language Proficiency test administered on the basis of data obtained from a Home Language Survey completed at the time of campus enrollment and district registration. A Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), made up of a parent(s)/guardian(s) representative, administrators, and ESL teachers, review yearly student placements, programs, and progress.
The purpose of the ELL programming is to enable emerging English language learners, who are found to be Limited English Proficient (LEP) students, to become competent in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing English. Snyder ISD is committed to providing emerging language learners equal educational access. We provide ESL endorsed instructional staff who help cultivate robust learning environments that facilitates building knowledge and learning in content areas simultaneous with English language acquisition. LEP students benefit from these enhanced learning opportunities and are better able to experience early academic success while their skill for English as a second language continues to develop and emerge. Snyder ISD also values and celebrates diversity and each individual student's cultural heritage which serves to increase self-assurance and greater confidence.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) involvement
Snyder ISD values parent(s)/guardian(s) of LEP students to be fully engaged with their child(s) learning. Full participation and involvement is always welcome and fully encouraged. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are invited to visit ESL classes and view the program. We also encourage parent(s)/guardian(s) to share information with their child(s) teacher(s) regarding culture and language, to serve as translators, liaisons, and as LPAC members, and participate in all activities at school. Finally, we rely on a viable partnership with parent(s)/guardian(s) to help keep their children fully engaged and achieving consistent attendance so they are able to realize the maximum benefit from their educational opportunity and ELL programming.
Cultural diversity
Campuses may include diversity as an objective in the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) and are encouraged to develop a cultural calendar on a yearly basis that includes celebrations of individuals such as culturally diverse artisans, story tellers, dancers, and musicians. Campuses also hold ESL parent(s)/guardian(s) focus groups who provide cultural expertise and work with staff concerning culture. These focus groups also serve Snyder ISD as translators, liaisons, and as LPAC members. Finally, schools plan on campus celebratory displays that encourage the an enhanced appreciation of diverse cultures.
Instructional practice
Students participating in the ESL program in Snyder ISD receive intensive instruction in English from teachers certified in ESL. Bilingual instructional staff districtwide scaffold their lessons to ensure the academic content is comprehensible for all students while they develop academic language.
Bilingual instructional staff at both Snyder Primary School and Snyder Intermediate School use small group instruction and other strategies that may include peer-tutoring, use of integrated technology, and cooperative learning. Students may be homogeneously or heterogeneously grouped by ability and/or proficiency levels, individual needs, a random distribution, and/or according to assignments or projects. Bilingual instructional staff also work with individual groups (e.g., guided reading, etc.) while other students may undertake individual assignments.
In addition to the above stated practices, bilingual instructional staff at the Snyder Junior High School work with LEP students who are enrolled in general education Language Arts and ESL classes. These LEP students may also receive additional ESL supports through academic achievement.
In addition to the above stated practices, Snyder High School offers English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programming. These ESOL environments are academic enrichment classes that are available to assist students in content area classes. Freshmen ESOL students take the ESOL 1 in addition to English 1 and Sophomore ESOL students take ESOL 2 in addition to English 2.
In compliance with all state, local, and federal regulations, concerning the education of second language learners, the ESL program of Snyder ISD is funded according to the number of students enrolled.
The following resources are designed to facilitate greater understanding of the multilingual education programming for parent(s)/guardian(s) of emerging language learners who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) students within Snyder ISD. Included are several Texas Education Agency (TEA) resources.
Supporting English Learners in Texas (TEA)
Parent and Families of English Language Learners (TXEL)
Process for identifying students for English as a Second Language (Guide)
Tips for Families with English Learners (Guide) (En Español)