Gifted & Talented

Each year, around November, Snyder ISD accepts referrals for students who may need Gifted/Talented Services for the school year. Please contact the school office for more information. This program is designed for students who exhibit intellectual and creative thinking abilities at an extraordinary level not normally served in the regular classroom. Services are provided only upon identification of the education needs of the student. Anyone wishing to refer a student attending Snyder ISD in kindergarten through twelfth grade this school year is asked to go by the student’s campus office and request a copy of the referral form. This form must be returned to the school by the established deadline. Those unable to go by the school should call the campus to request a form be sent to them.


Snyder Primary School and Snyder Intermediate School
Snyder ISD offers an array of learning through flexible grouping and a differentiated curriculum. The program design includes a cluster model that provides opportunities for independent study and opportunities to work with other gifted students, an accelerated classroom setting that provides a curriculum enriched through depth, complexity, and pacing, and regrouping for specific student instruction that provides identified students, and a limited number of general education students, classes specifically geared for certain pacing and complexity according to each student's level of performance.

Snyder Junior High School 
Students are provided opportunities to accelerate in their areas of strength, as well as, opportunities for independent study and opportunities to work with other gifted students. Regrouping specific subject instruction provides identified students and a limited number of general education classes specifically geared for certain pacing and complexity according to each student's level of performance. Subject acceleration provides opportunities for identified students and a limited number of general education students the opportunity to enroll and receive credit in high school courses.

Snyder High School 
Students are provided opportunities to accelerate in their areas of strength, as well as, opportunities for learning experiences that encourage the development of advanced-level products and/or performances. The program design incorporates  advanced placement courses, which includes a national curriculum, teacher training, and testing program to allow high school students access to college-level content and standing; concurrent enrollment allowing students to attend specific classes at the next highest school level during part of the school day; independent study to work on self-designated projects; early graduation which offers students the opportunity to accelerate graduation from high school and graduate in less than the traditional four years; an accelerated curriculum with junior college level courses for high school credit; correspondence courses that give students the opportunity to enroll in coursework through the University of Texas or Texas Tech University; and credit by examination which allows students the opportunity to earn credits.

Kindergarten placement 
Students will be identified and placed in the Snyder ISD Advanced Services (Gifted/Talented) Program by March 1.

Exit provisions 
A student may be removed from the program at anytime the selection committee determines it is in the student's best interest. Parents and/or students may request removal from of the program. In this event, the selection committee will conference with the parent and student before honoring the request.

Furlough plan 
Students who are unable to maintain satisfactory performance within the structure of the program may be placed on furlough by the GT committee in order to provide the student the opportunity to attain performance goals established by the selection committee.

Transfer plan 
When a student identified as gifted by a previous school district transfers into Snyder lSD, the student's records will be reviewed by the GT committee to determine placement. The committee will make its determination within 30 days of the student's enrollment in SISD.

Appeals of district decisions 
Parents of students may appeal any decision of the selection committee regarding the selection for or the removal from the gifted program. The appeal shall be made first to the selection committee. Any subsequent appeals should be made in accordance with FNG (local) beginning at Level Two with the (designate one) Superintendent or designee.

Disseminating information
Anyone may nominate a student for the program at the period of annual referrals listed on the timeline above. Referral forms are available in each campus office and/or on the district web site or from campus counselor. Referral forms may be submitted to the campus office only during the time period of referral acceptance. Late referrals will not be accepted. The screening instruments will match the program's services.

Snyder ISD identification criteria 
Snyder ISD partners with other Region 14 schools to provide uniform identification criteria for the region that includes the Slocumb-Payne Teacher Perception Inventory, Scales for Identifying gifted Students (SIGS) Home Rating Scales, Naglieri Nonverbal Ability TEST (NNAT), Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, Figural Forms A and B, Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary and Middle School Students (SAGES - 2; K-3, and 4-8), Slocumb-Payne Student Response, and the CogAt(Grades 9-12).