Open House
Snyder Primary School
Meet the Teacher
Teachers will contact parents on Parent Square on August 5th to introduce themselves.
*Meet the teacher dates are as follows:
PK- August 9th, 2-4pm
KG- August 6th. 4-6pm
1st- August 9th, 6-7:30pm
2nd- August 9th. 4-6pm
3rd- August 9th. 12-2pm
For the school supply list, click here.
Bring your supplies during this time and pick up your new car tags and other important information. We encourage all students and parents to meet their teacher.
Snyder Intermediate
Open House
Please join us for an open house on Monday, August 9, 2021, from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm at Snyder Intermediate School.
Visit the campus and meet the teachers!
If you prefer, you are welcome to drop off your child's school supplies at this time too.
For the school supply list, click here.
We can't wait to see you!
Snyder Junior High
Chat with the Principal
Monday, August 2nd or Tuesday, August 3rd at 6pm, Snyder Junior High Library
6th Grade Open House
August 9th
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
• Pick up schedules
• Walk the building & find your classes
• Meet the teachers
7th & 8th Grade Open House
August 10th
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
• Pick up schedules
• Walk the building & find your classes
• Meet the teachers
Parent Meetings
6th Grade: August 24th
7th Grade: August 26th
8th Grade: August 31st
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
We will discuss electives, academics, grading policy, & tips for handling Junior High
Snyder High School
Fish Splash!
August 6th
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Freshman Orientation
Fish Splash is on Friday, August 6th from 1 pm - 3 pm. Incoming freshmen will meet the counselors, principals, and teachers! Students will also learn about extracurricular activities and Snyder High School traditions.
Nervous about where to go? We will take students on a campus tour, provide maps, and answer questions.
Parents are not only welcomed but encouraged to attend!
There is no need to sign up, just arrive in the Snyder High School cafeteria at 1:00 pm on Friday, August 6th, 2021!
HIgh School Schedule & Technology Distribution
3:00pm - 6pm at Snyder High School
9th & 10th Grades: Monday, August 9th
11th & 12th Grades: Tuesday, August 10th
Schedule Pick-up
Dual-Credit Information
Parking Permits
Payments (parking, laptops, and any previous unpaid fines)
Free & Reduced Forms (50% discount on tech fees)
Technology Distribution
Registration (if not completed)
Technology Payments
Technology payments will be accepted at the Back to School Bash and at the Open House events.
50% discount on technology fees with the completion of free and reduced lunch forms!
1 child: $50 ($25 with discount)
2 children: $70 ($35 with discount)
3 children: $80 ($40 with discount)
Family Max at $80
Back to School Bash: Saturday, August 7, 2021

Saturday, August 7, 2021
8am - 11am
Snyder Junior High 3806 37th Street - OR - Snyder ISD Bus Barn 1600 Scott Street
Convenient, Drive-Up stations!
Register your child for school before the bash & reserve your time online to guarantee free school supplies and save time!
New Students: Registration opens July 5th at the administration building & July 19th on campuses.
Returning Students: Registration opens July 26th online through Skyward.
Back to School Bash Reservations: At the end of the online student registration, you will complete a form to select your desired location and time for the Back to School Bash.
August 7: Please arrive on-time at your scheduled location.
Legal parent/guardian required. Children are NOT required to attend.
School staff will direct you where to park. Please remain in your vehicle.
Get set for school at the Back to School Bash!
Stations include:
Food Service-sign up for standard plans & free/reduced lunch options
Laptop / device registration
Registration assistance will be provided to those who have not registered online
Drug policy presentation information for 7-12 grade students
ParentSquare verification
Bus Route registration
Immunization verification
Back to school clothing closet
Contact: Ana Montoya, SISD ACE (325) 574-8971 x 5702 or Jessica Robbins, SCRC (325) 436-0294