Teacher Incentive Allotment


The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) was funded in House Bill 3 (HB 3) by the 86th Texas Legislature in June 2019. HB 3 established an optional Teacher Incentive Allotment with a stated goal of a six-figure salary for teachers who prioritize teaching in high needs areas and rural district campuses. For each classroom teacher with a teacher designation under TEC Section 21.3521 employed by a school district, the school district is entitled to an allotment increased by the high needs and rural factors.

By law, there are two measures that must be used as part of the locally designed Teacher Designation System:

(1) Teacher Observations

(2) Student Growth Measures

In addition, districts may choose to add additional factors in creating their locally designed Teacher Designation System. It is imperative that districts seek significant input from stakeholders during the design process. Texas school districts must use at least 90 percent of each allotment for compensation of teachers employed at the campus at which the teacher for whom the district received the allotment is employed. The remaining 10% of funds can be retained at the district level and used for costs associated with administration of the locally designed designation system. Beginning in January of 2021, eligible National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) will earn a Recognized designation on their Texas educator certificate. The designation will expire in conjunction with the National Board certificate. Allotment funding for eligible NBCTs will be calculated in late summer and will flow to districts beginning in September. NBCTs working in districts that currently offer strategic compensation for NBCTs may be eligible to earn a Recognized designation and generate allotment funding in September.

May 2024 TIA Announcement

Through approved local designation systems, districts can identify and designate outstanding teachers based on student growth and classroom observation. Employing designated teachers generates extra funding for districts to reward top performers. Let's congratulate the following teachers for earning this distinction!

Mary Hagins – Recognized

Erica Leija – Exemplary

Yuliana Thamez - Exemplary

Afton Schneider – Master – Increased level

Kristhel Porta – Master – Increased level

Brittany Beltran - Recognized

Lilian Juarez – Master – Increased level

Tanya Cartwright - Master

Learn more here: https://tiatexas.org/about/what-is-tia/

tia recipients