The Transition and Employment Services Designee for Snyder ISD is Ms. Brandi Martin, Special Education Case Manager, Post-Secondary Facilitator, and Transition Specialist.
Transition services are intended to prepare students to move from the world of school to the world of adulthood. The planning process considers student strengths, needs, abilities, and interests, and helps address employment, education and training, independent living skills, and community participation. State and federal law mandates transition planning for special education students to begin prior to their 14th birthday. To facilitate a successful process, Snyder ISD provides transition inventories, checklists, Career Cruising Plans, and other valuable transition assessments, to assist with planning. Transition is of fundamental importance to cultivating a continued success for students as they exit the school environment. Student services must be documented and put in place by family, student, and school staff, to avoid the student experiencing lack of opportunity to learn and work. To learn more about procedures, personnel, and timelines related to transition activities, please refer to the Snyder ISD Special Services operating procedures for transition and graduation.
Transition in Texas provides knowledge of the secondary transition process to facilitate student progress toward attainment of their postsecondary goals. On this site you will find resources for students, parents, educators, and agency resources.
The Texas Transition and Employment Guide, required by House Bill 617, is intended to provide information for students and their parents on statewide services and programs that assist in the transition to life outside the public school system.