Earlier this year, we asked professional staff to complete a recruitment and retention survey providing feedback about existing and potential initiatives to recruit and retain high-quality staff committed to being Snyder Tigers. We worked through multiple scenarios in an attempt to provide a significant increase in teacher compensation. However, we have some concerns about taking this leap in the current political climate. With public school funding tied to the passing of a voucher initiative, we must do more with less. Salary and step increases are considered annually and will be presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration in June or July.

Despite the challenging funding landscape, we are resolute in our mission to find innovative ways to recruit and retain staff to ensure the success of Snyder ISD. We received excellent feedback through the professional staff surveys, and, after presenting options to the board, we are excited to incorporate many of your ideas into the compensation plan for the 2024-2025 school year.  

Continuing benefits:

Changes & Enhancements:

  • Add 401(a) retirement account contribution matching: the District will match employee retirement contributions made into the employee's 401(a) account at a rate of 100% up to 5% of employee salary. Employees will become vested after 5 years of service. Employees must be employed on the last day of the plan year, 8/31, to receive that year’s contribution.

  • Add 401(a) retention incentive: the District will contribute a retention incentive to eligible employees’ 401(a) at year 5 and in 5-year increments thereafter.  

    • 5 years: $500

    • 10 years: $1,000

    • 15 years: $1,500

    • 20 years: $2,000

    • 25 years: $2,500

    • 30 years: $3,000

A one-time contribution “catch-up” will be offered for the most recent 5-year milestone. Employees will be 100% vested at the end of the 5th year of employment so long as they are employed on the last day of the plan year, 8/31.

  • Change pay frequency: move from a monthly pay schedule to a bimonthly (twice a month) pay schedule based on survey feedback

  • Increase life insurance policy coverage form $10,000 to $50,000

  • Begin employee of the month program: provide district-wide recognition opportunities

  • Add performance-based campus leadership incentive to attract and retain high-performing leadership: contribute a percentage of salary to principals and assistant principals 401(a) plan based on annual campus ratings (A or B campus only) and distinctions

  • Establish mentor-teacher program 

  • Master’s Degree reimbursement: offering up to $10,000 in reimbursement upon successful completion for diagnostician training and certification (commitment required)

  • Apply for available principal residency grants to develop high-potential leaders

  • Adjustments to the staff dress code

  • CLT/Department Heads: revise the campus leadership team and department head structure and incentives

*401a plan matching and retirement contributions would be discretionary for the district and could be changed or eliminated prior to the beginning of any school year. The employee must be employed on the last day of the plan year to receive that year’s contribution.

Although some of the ideas, such as employee daycare and substantial pay scale adjustments, could not be implemented at this time, we will continue pursuing and researching the possibility of implementing additional changes in the future. We understand that these ideas are important to you, and we want to assure you that we are considering all options.  

We know you didn’t get into this profession for a huge paycheck.  However, we want our employees to take pride in what we offer. We believe that our latest initiative is a step forward in providing additional rewards in this profession.