The following is a recap of the April 29th, 2020 SISD Broadcasting Facebook Live. Remember to joining us next week as the team ZOOMs with new SHS principal Shane Murphy.
Based on Governor Abbott’s Reopen Texas Plan, the question was raised about large group gatherings such as graduation. We have contacted local and state officials for clarification and are awaiting details from the Governor and TEA. As soon as we receive more information, we will provide you with an update.
As of now, the plan is to continue with the graduation parade with a stage for seniors to cross at a stopping place along the parade route. Each senior will ride individually (not with other classmates) in a truck or convertible and spectators may cheer for graduates along the parade route. SISD will coordinate the event with local authorities. Participants and spectators will be asked to follow social-distancing and other health and safety guidelines. A photographer will be present to take photos and the event will be broadcast live.
If we receive permission to hold a larger graduation ceremony at a venue, we will let you know as soon as possible. We will continue with the parade to allow the community to celebrate, just at an earlier time. It is our goal to give our graduates the recognition they deserve, within the constraints of the Governor’s order, and while ensuring the safety of our community.