SISD Approved to Provide Eligible Teachers a Significant Raise with New State Program
Snyder, Texas – October 7, 2020 – With the HB3 legislation, the state of Texas created a path for teachers to be eligible for well-deserved raises. Currently, Snyder ISD and Abilene ISD are the only two districts in the region approved by the TEA to launch this state-funded incentive in the 20-21 school year. The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) allows those who teach in high-need, rural areas an opportunity to earn a six-figure salary based on the academic growth of students and the overall evaluation of the teacher.
Dr. Rachael McClain, Assistant Superintendent of Learning and Innovation stated, “The opportunity for our high performing teachers to earn a significant pay increase was a program the district wanted to establish for our teachers as soon as possible.” The Teacher Incentive Allotment program in Snyder allows teachers to earn designations based on the academic growth and performance of their students and their in-class performance ratings.
Certified teachers are selected for the program based on specific performance measures and classroom observations. The amount teachers receive depends on the designation awarded: recognized, exemplary, or master. Depending on their designation, teachers may earn an additional $3,000 to $32,000 more each year.
$3,000, or an increased amount not to exceed $9,000, for each Recognized Teacher;
$6,000, or an increased amount not to exceed $18,000, for each Exemplary Teacher or;
$12,000, or an increased amount not to exceed $32,000 for each Master Teacher.
The designation remains with the teacher for 5 years, with the opportunity to earn a higher designation over time.
The data on student performance and the teacher performance will be gathered in the 20-21 school year and submitted for review by the state. Teachers will be designated in the fall with the bonus pay coming in a lump sum to qualifying teachers in Spring 2022. Once a teacher is designated, the lump sum payments will occur annually for the period of the designation.
“We are looking forward to celebrating our high-performing teachers as they have the opportunity to be rewarded financially for their contributions to our students” said McClain.