“I’ll never use this in real life.” Not so! Ms. Larrea’s 4th grade class used a cookie recipe that incorporated a variety of different fractions. Students decomposed fractions while using measuring cups. #webelieveinsisd #mathisfun
almost 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
students baking cookies using fractions
student baking cookies using fractions
students baking cookies using fractions
student baking cookies using fractions
School and district administrators will be online to chat with you today from 12-12:30 pm and 5-5:30 pm. If you are able, please join us. We hope to answer any questions you may have. To ask a question during the chat, type in your question using the Q&A or chat feature, which is found at the bottom of the screen in zoom (mobile users, click "more" to access the chat feature). 12:00-12:30 pm Click to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82500558219... Passcode: 389132 5:00-5:30 pm Click to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85340035151... Passcode: 389132 If you are unable to join us at this time and you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out. A list of contacts and resources is found in our help center: https://www.snyderisd.net/page/help **We have postponed the "Elementary Chat" that was scheduled for today until next Tuesday.**
almost 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
Live Q&A Chat promo image
Do you have questions about the ParentSquare app? We've had over 100 parents download the app in the last 24 hours! Prior to ParentSquare, we had over 10 different apps being used by schools and organizations in the district. ParentSquare is a one-stop-shop secure platform that syncs with our student information system - which means your child's class schedule and teachers are automatically loaded and any changes made to a phone number or email address are also updated in ParentSquare. If you are new to the app, it may be easy to get overwhelmed by all of the new features, but we are here to help. Here is a quick overview video of how to navigate through the app. If you have any questions, you can always reach out by emailing questions@snyderisd.net. How to Use the App Video (English): https://vimeo.com/307587191/55b5893b30 How to Use the App Video (Spanish): https://vimeo.com/312804590 These videos will show you how to download the app, if you haven't already, and then walk you through how to use each feature. *Please note, this video mentions attendance notifications and payments, which are features we will roll out in the near future!
almost 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
ParentSquare App Logo
Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to make a call on the very first telephone? This week the students combined their research talents and their imaginations to create historical fiction presentations. Each student presented information about a revolutionary invention as if they were there when it was created for the first time! These are the best friends of Alexander Graham Bell, Johannes Gutenberg, Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, and even the caveman who discovered fire. The students traveled back in time and shared with one another what it was like to live at a time before the crucial invention, and then how the creation of the invention changed their lives!
almost 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
4th grade students  photo
4th grade students photo (invention of the airplane)
4th grade students (photo)
4th grade students (photo)
Readers & Leaders! Each morning, Snyder Primary School principals recognize students who have reached their leadership or reading step goals. This morning, they recognized 30 students for reading and 30 students for leadership! 📖 Students earn "steps" for reading. Fifteen minutes = 1 step. For every 100 steps, they receive a reward! ⭐️ Students earn Leader Bucks for dozens of leadership traits: being a good friend, working hard in class, behaving well for the substitute, and tidiness, just to name a few. #webelieveinsisd
almost 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
SPS Leaders & Readers Photo
Please join us in congratulating Sha Wilson and Cuauhtemoc Olvera! Yesterday, Snyder debate won the 3-4A Policy Debate District Championship. The tournament was virtual this year. The District Champions will advance to the state competition. The team is coached by Mr. Zachary Carlock and Ms. Tonya Powers.
almost 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
Debate Winners!
🐝 🏆 Over fifty third grade students competed for the top spots in the Spelling Bee at Snyder Primary Elementary School. Congratulations to the first place winner, Dylan Linebarger, and Knox Morris, the runner-up! Both will advance to compete at the District Spelling Bee with the other winners next week. The top ten spellers were awarded a free book of their choice from the campus bookstore!
almost 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
3rd Grade Spelling Bee Winners
About the seminar: Is your child dealing with grief, anxiety, loneliness, or perhaps they just lack motivation? During an ordinary school year, students and families experience stress while juggling schoolwork and extracurricular activities in addition to family and social issues. COVID-19 has, understandably, caused additional stress for us all. Join Amy Crist and Lacee Wall, counselors, at Snyder ISD's primary school campus, as they discuss ways to help your child through challenging times. Submit your questions: You may submit your questions in advance by emailing questions@snyderid.net, commenting on this post, or you can submit your questions during the session using the "chat" or "Q&A" feature in the zoom webinar. Join, Tuesday, January 26, 2021 ⏰ 12:00-12:30 pm Please click this link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82500558219?pwd=QjdWd2w0ajIyWUJQOXdRU29NeTlMQT09 Passcode: 389132 ⏰ 5:00-5:30 pm Please click this link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85340035151?pwd=UjBpVWZabEtvTlFROS9DQXRnR3hndz09
almost 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
Family Connections: Online Session Information
Did you miss the live BrightThinker Q&A with Snyder Junior High? Many parents said it was helpful! Catch the replay: https://youtu.be/L8qVw_QFHY4
almost 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
Bright Thinker Video Link
Congratulations to the Snyder Intermediate School Spelling Bee participants and winners! We celebrate each of you for your hard work! 🏆4th Grade 🏆 Runner-up: Parker Cade Champion: Aubrey Le 🏆5th Grade🏆 Runner-up: Eleazar Padilla-Aguilar Champion: Anthony Vasquez
almost 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
Spelling Bee winner photos
Students throughout the district are learning about the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. His words ring true in the heart of every educator.
almost 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
🔴 Important reminder! 🔴 Monday, January 18th is a regular school day!
almost 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
January 18th is a regular school day!
Junior high parents and guardians, have your students mentioned BrightThinker? Join us Tuesday 1/19 at 12pm or 5pm for a virtual Q&A to answer your questions about the BrightThinker curriculum. We will discuss how to help students who are struggling, how to help students who wish to get ahead, and everything in between. More information and the zoom link may be found here: https://www.snyderisd.net/page/familyconnections
almost 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
Bright Thinker
As we head into the weekend, we are closely monitoring the weather forecast predicting snowfall Saturday night into Sunday combined with overnight low temperatures in the mid 20’s. We are receiving frequent weather updates from the National Weather Service, but Texas weather patterns can be unpredictable, as we all know. Please know that our first priority is the safety of our students, staff, and community. Our goal is to notify families and staff regarding a delay or cancellation as soon as possible. We will send notifications through ParentSquare, StudentSquare, news and radio stations, SISD social media pages, and the SISD website. If weather conditions prohibit us from having school on Monday, and possibly Tuesday, we currently have enough student minutes in our school calendar to make the day(s) official bad weather days. If we have to miss school due to weather conditions in the future, we will implement our plans for asynchronous learning days. Please stay safe this weekend. Stay Positive - Test Negative - Stay Tiger Strong Eddie Bland, Ed.D. Snyder ISD Superintendent of Schools For more information about our bad weather procedures, please visit our website: https://www.snyderisd.net/o/sn...​
about 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
Weather Watch image
Snyder ISD uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare: • Receive messages from the school via email, text or app notification • Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once at 6pm daily • Communicate in your preferred language • Comment on school postings to engage in your school community • Direct message teachers, staff and other parents • Participate in group messages • Sign up for parent-teacher conferences with smart online technology • Send payments, sign forms & permission slips, receive report cards, sign up to volunteer and more all from your phone or web portal ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using the email address and phone number that was entered in your Skyward Family Access account when you registered your student. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
about 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
Free meals for students & children in the community! On-campus or curbside. Learn more here: https://5il.co/mq4p
about 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
Free Meals Image
We are excited to launch Family Connections, a new line of communication between you and Snyder ISD. Each Tuesday at 12 pm and 5 pm, we will hold a live online interactive session. Some sessions will cover specific topics, and others will be an open discussion. If you miss a session, don’t worry, we will post a video from each week’s session on our website under the "connect" section. You may also submit your questions in advance to questions@snyderisd.net. Learn more here: https://www.snyderisd.net/o/snyder/page/family-connection-sessions
about 4 years ago, Snyder ISD
Family Connections: Online Session Information
Good afternoon SISD families, Due to possible freezing rain and unsafe travel, tonight's SHS Choir concert has been canceled. We hope to reschedule!
about 4 years ago, SISD Communications
Fall Concert
Answers to your questions have been posted to the FAQ section of our Smart Start Guide! As always, feel free to email us at questions@snyderisd.net or send us a message on Facebook. We're here to help! https://www.snyderisd.net/o/snyder/page/smart-start-2020-2021
over 4 years ago, SISD Communications
Meal pickup for virtual students: In order to plan for virtual student meal pickup, please complete a meal survey at https://forms.gle/Eo73f2zKAwDA5MEG7 by Friday, August 28, 2020. Snyder ISD will distribute breakfast and lunch meals for virtual learners starting Tuesday, September 8th at the back of Snyder Primary School from 11:45AM until 1:00PM. For more information on ordering, pricing and pickup, please visit the Meals & Menus section of our website at https://www.snyderisd.net/o/snyder/page/meal-payment-menus--2
over 4 years ago, SISD Communications
Meal Survey