What brings Mrs. Wells joy? "I love reading books with my students but I love it even more when they want to read books with their classmates. I had them read with a buddy with flashlights for Flashlight Friday and they loved it. We had a great time and hearing all the thank yous for letting them read for fun made my teacher heart happy." #joyofteaching #webeliveinsisd #snydertigers
over 1 year ago, Snyder ISD
students reading using flashlights
students reading using flashlights
students reading using flashlights
students reading using flashlights
students reading using flashlights
students reading using flashlights
students reading using flashlights
students reading using flashlights
What's happening at Snyder ISD? Find out here ➡️ https://www.parentsquare.com/feeds/19575025
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
this week at snyder isd
Congratulations Snyder High School varsity girls golf! They are REGIONALS bound!
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Morris
photo of girls golf team and coaches standing on golf green.  everyone is smiling and the gurls are wearing medals
Early Release & Student /Staff Holiday 🔔 Don't forget! Students release early on Thursday, April 6th, and there is no school for staff or students on Friday, April 7th. Early release schedule: https://5il.co/1i4vb District calendar: https://5il.co/19e8k
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
early release reminder
Here are the results from the boys' state powerlifting meet. Please join us in congratulating these Tigers! Alejandro Flores placed 3rd in the state in the 132lb. class, with personal best lifts in the bench press and deadlift. Adrian Avalos placed 2nd in the state in the 123lb class. Although he and the first place finisher had the same total, the other athlete weighed 1lb less, so the other athlete won. However, not only did Adrian secure 2nd, he set personal best records in squat, bench, AND deadlift. Chandler Tran placed 12th in the state in the 148lb. class and set personal best records for the squat and bench press. Mid year, Coach Tremaine Johnson jumped in as the powerlifting coach and he couldn’t be more proud of these athletes and all of the improvements they have made. Way to go Tigers, you make us proud!
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
group of 5 high school boys posing with medals at powerlifitng competition
The Snyder High School Drama Program continues its tradition of success with theatre teacher Mr. Corey Knipe at the helm. Their production of A Company of Wayward Saints advanced to the area round of competition. Additionally, several actors and crew were recognized for their excellence. All-Star Cast: Sebastian Sosa, All-Star Crew: Lance Wiggins, Honorable Mention: Allie Beck and Jaxon West. Congratulations to the cast, crew, and directors! The area round will be held in Graham this Friday.
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
group of theatre students wearing pink and black attire pose on stage for photo
What's happening this week at Snyder ISD? View our newsletter to find out and catch up on highlights from last week too! https://www.parentsquare.com/feeds/19278742
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
this week at snyder isd in speech bubble with cartoon blue background
Come check out what Snyder Junior High's students have been working on this year! Our annual STEAM Fair is right around the corner - join us on April 10th from 5pm - 7:30pm to see amazing projects and presentations from our STEAM electives. #snydertigers #webelieveinsnyderisd #STEM #STEAM
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
photo of student working on steam project male
photo of student working on steam project male
photo of student working on steam project male
photo of student working on steam project male
photo of student working on steam project male
photo of student working on steam project male
photo of student working on steam project male
photo of student working on steam project male
photo of student working on steam project female
💫We think the second grade dual language program solar system projects are out of this world! From drawing pictures and labeling planets to building 3D models, there are a variety of fun and creative ways to explore the universe. These projects help bring the solar system and its wonders to life! 🪐🌎
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Morris
students posing with solar system projects
students posing with solar system projects
students posing with solar system projects
students posing with solar system projects
students posing with solar system projects
students posing with solar system projects
students posing with solar system projects
🚨 Important Meeting for SHS Students Planning to Take Dual Credit 🚨 SHS Dual-Credit Mandatory Meeting from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm at SHS Worsham Auditorium If you plan to take dual-credit courses in the fall or spring of next year, the student and/or parent must attend this meeting. The goal of this meeting is to ensure students have the tools to succeed as a student at Snyder High School and WTC. We will also provide time at the end of the meeting to answer any questions you may have. Original Invitation Link: https://www.parentsquare.com/feeds/18709120
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
dual credit promo
Mark your calendars! Snyder Primary School Career Day is this Friday, March 24th. Students are encouraged to dress up as whatever they want to be when they grow up!
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
career day english
Career day spanish
It's a busy day for the Snyder Tiger student-athletes! 🏠 H O M E 🏠 ⚽️ Lady Tiger Soccer vs. Andrews @ Snyder 4:30 pm teacher appreciation 6:00 pm Kickoff ⚾️ Varsity Baseball Tournament @ Snyder Friday, 12:30 & 5:30 pm Saturday, 3:00 & 5:30 pm The concession stand is serving a full menu; come hungry! 🚌 A W A Y 🚌 💪 Boys Powerlifting Regional Meet @ Abilene ⚽️ Boys' Soccer @ Andrews 6pm Kickoff 💨 Tiger Track @ Big Spring ⛳️ Varsity Girls Golf @ Big Spring ⛳️ ⚾️Varsity Boys Golf @ San Angelo ⚾️JV Baseball @ Lamesa (Tournament) 🥎 JV Softball @ Hawley (Tournament) 🥎 Varsity Softball @ Graham (Tournament)
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
game day photo
game day photo
The Junkyard Buildoff is off to a solid start at B&J Welding this morning!
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
welding students in competition
🌼 Don't forget! Friday, March 10th, is an early release day. Monday, March 13th-17th, is Spring Break! 🌼 To view the early release calendar, visit: https://www.snyderisd.net/.../parents/bell-schedules/74728
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
Early Release and Spring Break Reminder
We want to thank Western Texas College for hosting students from Snyder Intermediate School for Texas Girls In STEM Day! It was an inspiring afternoon filled with fun and learning about STEM opportunities in college and beyond! #TexasGirlsInSTEM #gowesterners #webelieveinsnyderisd #snydertigers #snydertexas
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
SIS students visit wtc  viewing welding
SIS students visit wtc
SIS students visit wtc
SIS students visit wtc  science lab
SIS students visit wtc  welding
SIS students visit wtc  slime project
SIS students visit wtc  experiment in science lab
SIS students visit wtc  introduction to science lab
SIS students visit wtc  construction
SIS students visit wtc
Mrs. Jones' kindergarten class wrapped up their farm knowledge unit, and they celebrated with a farm-to-market snack. They enjoyed learning about crops and animals!
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
students playing at farmers market
students playing at farmers market
students playing at farmers market
students playing at farmers market
It's a busy week for Snyder Intermediate families! Here is a reminder about the 5th to 6th Grade Transition Planning Meetings on Tuesday, February 28th! The Online Meeting with 5th-Grade Parents/Guardians will be held from 12:00-1:00 pm. Here is the Zoom link for parents: https://zoom.us/j/91886164699 The In-Person Meeting with 5th-Grade Parents and Students will be held from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm at Snyder Junior High School. Spanish translation is available at this meeting. Join the Snyder Junior High staff to review next year's electives and courses. We will also answer any questions you may have. Parents are more than welcome to attend both the online and in-person sessions.
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
welcome to junior high graphic
ℙ 𝕒 𝕣 𝕖 𝕟 𝕥 ℕ 𝕚 𝕘 𝕙 𝕥! at ​Snyder Intermediate School Math, Science, & STEM Thursday, March 2, 2023 5pm - 6:30pm Please join us for a fun evening to see what your child is learning in their math, science, and STEM classes! If you can't make it right at 5 pm, don't worry; just come as soon as possible!
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
parent night promo
Second-grade students and their favorite grownups are invited to enjoy donuts together in their classroom! Tuesday, February 28th 7:20 am - 7:50 am Please check ParentSquare for details!
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Morris
donuts with grownups smiling donut graphic
Calling all first-generation college-bound students! Have you looked into the Upward Bound program? It’s a great place to start to prepare for college. The program is offered through WTC, and they are currently recruiting SHS Freshman students. This free service is offered to help students learn about college options, receive tutoring, visit colleges, attend a 6-week summer program, attend a college bridge program after high school graduation, and more! They provide academic advisement and instruction for students through high school to prepare them for college, and track each student until they graduate. Students must have the desire, dedication, and discipline to enter and graduate from college. Participants work diligently in high school to improve their GPAs and to prepare for college. Upward Bound assists students with college admissions through financial aid applications, college applications, scholarship searches, and college entrance exam preparation. If you want to learn more, visit https://www.wtc.edu/upwardbound.html #webelieveinsnyderisd #westerntexascollege #snydertigers #upwardbound
almost 2 years ago, Snyder ISD
upward bound graphic green arrow with blue circles